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Chess How We Teach page Content-02-07-07_edited-min.jpg

Milestone 1: The Fundamentals

Prize: Mini Chess Board♟️(Shipped to your address)

We teach how to set up the chess pieces on the board and how each piece moves including castling and illegal moves. We will also assign homework at the end of every class through our Learning Portal. 


Milestone 2: Notation + Clock

Prize: Personalized Trophy🏆(Shipped to your address)

In this milestone, we cover how to use algebraic notation such as abbreviation, file, and rank for each piece and how to write the score sheet and result. We also introduce them to the chess clock and its different time controls such as blitz, rapid, bullet and standard.


Milestone 3: The Attack

Prize: Custom Chess Slogan T - Shirt👕
(Shipped to your address)

We introduce to 2 primary methods of attacking in chess. We explain when an attack position is established and when the opposing side can counterattack. 


Milestone 4: The Defense

Prize: Post of appreciation📷
Requirement: Solve 500 Tactics

We teach defensive techniques such as blocking, supporting, moving away and capturing. This is crucial to recognize and respond to threats. The question session is conducted at the end of each class. 


Milestone 5: The Checkmate

Prize: Chess Book📕 (Shipped to your address)
Requirement: Solve 500 Tactics

This milestone outlines three main strategies: capturing the threatening piece, blocking the attack and moving the king to safety. We discuss the necessity of reacting promptly when your opponent puts your king in check.


Milestone 6: Advanced Chess

Prize: Certificate of Completion🧑‍🎓

In this milestone, we cover a comprehensive array of tactical and strategic concepts essential for playing chess effectively. It includes maneuvers such as discovered attacks, pins, skewers, and sacrifices, as well as principles for the opening and endgame phases.

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